

In the morning, I sit before the window, listening to spit rustle, looking at drizzle to be like silk; Not a long time, turn into rainstorm shake ear, rain cats and dogs, I am experiencing boundless glamour …… of rain


Outside the window, pluvial agley is falling, it is so soft, so light, so beautiful. Day firm extensive rises crepuscular, rain still is the sound of rain. The lamp of roadside sends out warm orange, enlightened in the morning.


I sit in the —— before the window to listening to rain to knock the roof in iron sheet to go up, pi Pi bang, do not be like cracker again however so resonant; Fall on the pedestrian's umbrella, give out the noise that covers tightly frowzily, resemble the drumbeat of clap; Asperse the puddle that falls on the ground in, drip to with a tick answer, strike happy note noisy.

我坐在窗前——听着雨敲在铁皮的房顶上,噼噼啪啪,却又不似爆竹那么响亮;落在行人的雨伞上,发出闷闷的声响,像轻敲的鼓点;洒落在地上的水坑里,滴滴答答,敲响了快乐的音符。来源 wwW.ZUowEnbA.nET

Drizzle is like silk, messy in wind, letting a person feel is so halcyon, so set one's mind at, however so lonely. Elaborating sadness and parting. Tender rain, let me can't help walking out of the door, ramble is in pluvial shade. Raindrop is hit on my body, feel clinking the ground is happy. Not a long time, drizzle changed the rain with big beans bead, and before I returned a window again. They are hit on the ground, on umbrella, on the window, on housetop, do not be like the tenderness like drizzle, however powerful a lot of. I stick ear on the glass of the window, the bang in the Pi outside listening to house noise. Pluvial bead has rhythm ground to be being beaten, vivid like composition wave, lively. Raindrop knock is on the window, slip down glass below, gather together gradually. Be like trickling sluggishly brooklet, do not have the gentle note of brooklet again.


The rain with big beans bead short and strong, let a person feel the mood is cheerful, rhythm feels dye-in-the-wood. Depicting happy worry, make person full marks / for it one brace up, little drizzle filamentous sadness and take leave of. I push a window, reach a hand, allow to be hit on my hand by drip, happy from inside the heart slowly rise.


Listening to the pitter-patter outside the window, looking at the falling of raindrop, I feel exceptionally excited.


One spoken parts in an opera crosses horizon glossily, accompanying the thunder of ” of “ rumble grand, heavy rain come down in torrents and below.


Rain resembles innocent child, get angry everywhere, everywhere in the shoe that wallop jumps into umbrella servent one by one, the spray that arouses lake face piece, frighten the Mi that get a cat everywhere wallop …… pitter-patter is resonant and Bacchic, showing abundant vigor. Rain falls on my hand, hit wet my sleeve, my this オ has answered a god to come, mow in pluvial “ the haste below ” closed a window.


Fierce wind is savage below pluvial encouragement rise, emphatically is flapping door window, the door is blown so that “ ” makes sound, the window is blown to get “ Zhi ah ” groan. The pedestrian on road ased if to also get the infection of rainstorm, circumstances or style of departure is hasty.


The impatient uneasiness of rainstorm, told anxious mental state. I what let sit in window edge also feel fraught. My think better of thinks: Is rainstorm also expression of a kind of affective? It also has its unique expression kind.


The pitter-patter with different listen respectfully, savour different feeling: Drizzle is like silk, elaborating distressed melancholy; Rain is like a drumbeat, depicting rhythm and joy; If rainstorm is noted, telling mental state anxious.


Rain, your sound is to have charm so, let a person get drunk meantime, …… of enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave


I should praise you one by one rain!
