

Great hero protects Er gold of · examine stalking or branch, be born in Tuofuka of Wukelan thanking admire, poverty of one's previous experience, the mother works in others home, anxious Mu of elder brother Aer becomes a worker in engine library.


Go to school work approach of full press press. When protecting Er to be in the school often the bagatelle because of a few trifles by Abba cruel dozen, scatter in the dough of Abba then on smoke end, result by discharge. His mother sends dining room of a station him. In the dining room, not Ru Xia waits for him very good, but another little boy, v/arc waiter bullies him, proprietress even no matter anyway makes him successive work two days two night, forget to close faucet, by Puluohuoer cruel dozen. Protect Er to think these people are his dead correct from now on.

上学打工饱受压迫。保尔在学校时经常因几件鸡毛蒜皮的小事被神父暴打,于是就在神父的面团中撒上烟末,结果被开除。他的母亲把他送到一个车站食堂。在食堂,弗茹霞待他很好,但另一个小男孩、堂倌都欺负他,老板娘甚至不论死活让他连续工作两天两夜,忘关水龙头,被普罗霍尔暴打。保尔从此认为这些人是他的死对头。( 来源 WwW.ZUOWENba.neT )

Next revolutionary seeds are buried in the heart. Pass A Erjiao Mu, protected Er to know the Zhu He that to him life has major effect to come. Will suffer dagger Lu suddenly chase after when Zhu He when killing, the take sb in that protect Er he, zhu He will protect Er tell Bolshevik party is how, with etc the political parties and groups with one pile very Orphean name is what kind of, make protected Er to have a clear knowledge to this. When Zhu He will be arrested really, bao Eryi extended fist to the enemy like that, rescue Zhu He comes.


Hold one's head high hold out a bosom to be on battlefield. After Zhu He of the rescue that protect Er comes, because mean and shameless Weikeduo informs against, the misfortune that protect Er is arrested put in prison, be afraid that because of Qieerniyake big head is inspected however, him let slip. The 2nd day, protected Er to go up composition front.


Life challenge casting is steely. When motherland of polish arms intrude into, protect Er to be on battlefield sabre of raise of like a bull at a gate, dash ahead without thinking one's safety counteractive aggression. Supply when lumber debatable when, baoerjia goes into the project that builds a road, no matter the environment is harsh, no matter commissariat is in short supply, insist to be the first everyday the job, calculate final serious illness to pester a body, also want to hold to the last moment, when Qiu Zaning forces the discontinue that protect Er enters practice, bear ailment by force now and then, determination makes a model to whole camp soldier, entered practice not only, and still let maneuver gain tall cent, wide get recognition, should protect Er to be encountered again beautiful when amounting to, this wanting with beautiful amount to ” of “ reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture, dan Lida has married, the so big blow on feeling also did not make protect Er cannot recover after a setback, however with richer energy, throw in endless work, sleeping even go up to grudge rise, not be willing to part with or use is floriferous time sleeps, just heard of have the enemy when violent Bolshevik the Party Central Committee, leave hospital before Baoerdi, the station comes out, work for the party.


The bed that weigh disease is a gun with the pen. Unfortunate, protect Er to leave hospital when the job, experience traffic accident, began from now on, endless operation, the final blindness that protect Er, double leg broke down completely, but he continues to learn through the radio, cheer up below scriptural and missing blow, finished " stormy place is born " .


Protect Er, defeat protective screen finally with stroke, regain battlefield.
