

Must become aware eventually on “ paper shallow, know this matter to want absolutely bend forward row. ” reads a book, should fine fine savour, realize its to, taste its to go, know its meaning, get its mark. Be in slowly in thinking, can taste the faint scent that gives spring, summertime carry on one's shoulder is sweet, the fruit of autumn is sweet, the hiemal is fumed sweet. Had gone from inside book, touch reading force insensibly.


Read " moonlight of pond of carry on one's shoulder " , you appear with Mr Zhu Ziqing together, ramble falls in bright and clear moon, lying between full Chi Fenfang, take the black picture that the moon that come over falls to mottled, also fall in mind, stay be like a heart-throb that if not have,has. Be in 4 times in unmanned night, you experience those who come from the soul to loosen unexpectedly, it is the pond of carry on one's shoulder that full pool moonlight envelops merely, in the heart slow below, give birth to poetic flavour again unexpectedly. Add up to submit a written statement to a higher authority, you also are learning ramble of Mr Zhu Ziqing to be below vast moon, be in the park that person wave moves, you also are to admiring quiet moon and lotus leaf, in comparing a book again much fireworks of a few minutes of worlds is angry. Reading force depends on passing through spatio-temporal the person that goes searching same mood, come to meet unexpectedly.


You are reading Su Shi " write down Cheng Tiansi noctivagant " , in friendless Huang Zhou, a moonlight also is brought he enchanted. Hurry to hurriedly search Zhang Huaimin, in court each other are reticent, see heaven and earth is vast only, copy is like a remnant 2 people. In deep-set water is like however below the foot, not famous aquatic is swaying to seem to want to pester the upper part of the body to come, not flurried also however, just again fix eyes on looks, the shadow that is moon and Zhu Bai unexpectedly interweaves in the ground. You add up to submit a written statement to a higher authority, remember oneself live recently suddenly and on the job not suitable, raising beautiful funny bird busily as before again however. Other people laughs at you to do not have crisis consciousness, su Shi just knows a peace and happiness in this circumstances how leisurely and comfortable heart is god-given. Choose a green light, bubble one crock sweet tea, the Sukhavati that belongs to oneself alone is in the page that finger tip flips through. Full-bodied tea is sweet the mind that ticked off you, put down the book in the hand, look to a myriad twinkling lights of a city outside the window bright Cheng Jing, just like a colour butterfly, lightly has dance; Just like a wild crane, in this clear sky trammels without place in 10 thousand lis green jade clouds. In this the boundless universe, I am supercilious, the large shadow of will whole world all takes the eye ground at me.

你读着苏轼的《记承天寺夜游》,在无依无靠的黄州,一抹月色也引得他一阵心动。匆匆赶去寻张怀民,在庭院中彼此无言,只见天地苍茫,仿若只剩二人。脚下却好像深陷水中,不知名的水草摇曳着好像要缠上身来,却也并不慌乱,只是再定睛一看,竟是月光与竹柏的影子交织在地面。你合上书,突然想起最近自己生活以及工作上的不顺,却又依旧在忙碌之余养花逗鸟。旁人笑你没有危机意识,苏轼才懂得这境遇中一颗安乐闲适的心多么难得。 点一盏青灯,泡一壶香茗,指尖翻动的书页里是独属于自己的净土。醇厚的茶香勾住了你的心神,放下手中的书,望向窗外万家灯火明的盛景,宛如一只彩蝶,翩跹起舞;宛如一只野鹤,在这晴空万里的碧霄里无所羁绊。在这个大千世界,我目空一切,将整个世界的硕影尽揽于我的眼底。

Reading force, depend on the name with the book, enjoy worldly respect, taste worldly affliction, also taste worldly sweetness.
