

Somebody asks famous histology home Niefu why to Meiwaji is spent all one's life what studying worm is anatomical. Nie says: You can know “ , worm is so long, and life is so brief however. ” his this what one says during a conversation, spoke a deep truth: The life of a person is finite, and scientific research is everlasting. Say to want to gain the success of an any careers so, must perserve, give lifetime painstaking effort. Perseverance is force!

有人问著名的组织学家聂弗梅瓦基为什么一生都花在研究蠕虫的构造上。聂氏说:“你可知道,蠕虫这么长,而人生却这么短。”他这一席话,说出了一个深刻的道理:一个人的生命是有限的,而科学研究是无止境的。所以说要取得任何一项事业的成功,就必须持之以恒,付出毕生心血。恒心就是力量!来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net

In the endless flow of human history, is formal name of family of how many culture is written of such generation? Light of Song Dai minister writes " endowment control a warning " , last a period of time 19 years ability cut stalks of grain, but he already was old eye dim-sighted, died before long; Compose of bright generation Li Shizhen " detailed outline of a book on Chinese medicine " , went around name plain big hill, collected how many data, used full 27 time nether world; Talk about change to make " country discuss " spent 20 old ability to finish, unexpectedly book draft is stolen, fu Zhidong of how many painstaking effort flows. But he is none disappointing, be determined to rescript, finished eventually with 8 years again; Courier madam abstracts radium element, after winning nobel prize for the first time, do not have be pleased with oneself, stop a pace not before, write a composition value however the radium of hundred thousands of dollar gives hospital. She continues to study radiative phenomenon again, become eventually up to now the woman that only wins nobel prize twice. All frame-up specifications of all these perserve only, exert one's utmost effort, exhaust lifetime, does ability reach successful peak peak?


When elementary school, my Chinese achievement is not how ideal, then, I am resolved learn Chinese. I ask I want “ ask for it to eat ” painstakingly everyday, read to endorse more more, want to well-read, read nocturnal Song early, although because of this “ talking around gives birth to sore ” to also want unremitting, in an attempt to is best. Want to be good at thinking namely additionally, accumulate life material, in identifying a book true bogus, digestive Chinese knowledge, handle composition and practice with serious manner. As time passes, my Chinese level rose. This explains, want preserving heart ability to gain a success.


The ancients cloud: “ carves and abandon, a hopeless case is not folded; Work with perseverance, inscriptions but engrave. A person should have ” only perseverance, stepping sturdy pace, ground of honor permits no turning back goes ahead, final meeting bath arrives triumphal brightness. The life tells me: Work should have constancy of purpose, perserve ability picks the fruit that takes a success.
