

Listen accost, I with sisters together, multiplied a boat to cross knotweed Xu, go in fast of past Qiu Shuang.


Now spring He Jingming, greenery sets off one another, on brim basin of gold of emerald green Lan Zhui, full courtyard the rouge that strange Hua Ruyun opens, line gets sunshine auspicious. I unloaded a ship, the old lady is developing my beck beyond, I bade servant girl latchs the boat, wait for, just saw the person beside her, the forehead takes gray headband, big coat of a suit coarse cloth, rub begins probe look around is worn, I saluted to 2 people, the old lady laughs to me: "Bao Chai, sisters but neat? In speed dawn emerald green hall. I take Liu grandmother to turn again. " I was getting numerous sister to enter a courtyard, somebody often stops behind the feeling can look, also stop pace, I think curiously again look grandmother of a Liu, but step into finally inside hall, laughing to greet everybody.

今日春和景明,绿树掩映,檐上翠兰坠金盆,满院儿的奇花如晕开的胭脂,衬得阳光大好。我下了船,老太太正在远处冲我招手,我吩咐丫鬟把船拴住,待走过去,才看到了她身边之人,额带灰色头巾,一身粗布大袄,搓着手探头张望着,我向二人行了礼,老太太冲我笑道:“宝钗,姐妹们可都齐了?快进晓翠堂里吧。我带刘姥姥再转转。”我领着众姐妹进了院,感觉身后有人不时驻足会看,也停下步子,我也好奇地想再瞧一眼刘姥姥,但最终踏进堂内,笑着迎上了众人。出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt

Mediatory already finished, returned to sit. I and sisters sit in aside, see Liu grandmother held double old age in both hands 4 arris ivory sets golden chopsticks, still work be stupefied, she puts down the chopstick: "This forked Ba Zi, heavier than the shovel over there us, take so that move him over there? " at a draught, all around laugh gave voice, each is covering the mouth mutual look around, I also laughed, the body weighs the tea on pour for numerous sister since.


Proper at this moment, listen to the grandmother that get Liu only loudly say: "Laoliu, laoliu, appetite is like an ox greatly, eat an old sow, do not look up! " I look round in the past, everybody each is staring to look, lay between quite a while, the whole thing person simultaneously laughing yock rises, hunan cloud palm does not live, a tea is ejective come, I am busy draw out a handkerchief child give the past, the arm that she helps me is good if half talent speaks a neat: "Treasure hairpin elder sister, must be you taken how laugh? " I also want to laugh, but it is close lightly is worn only the lip develops her small one nod, ask then, "Can you want me to change a clothes for you? " listen to her to agree, I had a body, just see there is individual picture below the desk, it is Liu grandmother did not know when to throw a bowl formerly, dove egg falls from the desk, full ground chaos boils. She is gotten below the desk, two tactics is caught do not win, busy incessantly is put into the mouth, the sister laughs again, I help her help up bowl, call up servant girl to clear away again. Break up capsize Fu comes over, merchant the mother sees he is interesting, placed meal directly in the past.


My face about, walk into back room, the light dark a few minutes, look round, do not know to have what fun again in hall, everybody laughs Hua Chai is in disorder to shake, folded the sunshine outside house, gold shakes silver quivers, bacchic light. That is a sunshine in my heart, not be a courtyard in spring He Jingming, however can the hand twists dove egg, bend forward get desk copy personally, need not again missish, homeric laughter, rock.


But I mouth sighed, the back goes personally too, move toward the high big chest in that corner, choose for sisters removed colorful garment gown.
