

Capacious sky, without a cloud, made of baked clay La Wa is blue, resemble very deep very dark sea.


In the forest, a flock of puppy people lively amuse oneself is worn, some uses stone and that thick the board that grows again does seesaw, some is jumping on branch beautiful dancing, some is fastened on branch to swing swing …… with cirrus at this moment, on the alley with sinuate far, bunny gentleman was riding autocycle to come over. Its aloud is right puppy people say: “ tells you a good news, athletic meeting should open again in our forest, you attend! Should ”“ open athletic meeting again? ” puppy people ask happily. “ is, be, you practice an exercise quickly, prepare! The bunny gentleman that ” busies enthusiasticly again follows them what to say more without kongfu, he gives other puppy even people report this good news. After bunny gentleman goes, little fat pig thought a little while, he asks his good friend Little Bear: Do you say “ can I attend athletic meeting? ” Little Bear answers little fat pig none hesitantly: “ of course can! Little fat pig listened to ” of the sweet taste in the heart, have some of in fear and trembling again at the same time, he is right him self-distrust.作文吧 Www.ZuoWenBa.Net


Passed a few days, the staff member elephant on the hillside is giving puppy people sign up. Puppy people the platoon is worn grow senior team, be turn for Little Bear and little fat pig, elephant asks: Should you attend “ what? ” Little Bear says: “ ran match. Little fat pig asks ” Little Bear: Do then I attend “ what? ”“ also attends ran. ” Little Bear replies. Floret cat heard, by ground of ” of “ Xi Xi is laughing. Little Bear and little fat pig did not pay attention to it. At this moment, full marks of complacently of short-haired pelt ass / great came, there is card of one gold nugget before his bosom, that was last year ran match obtains, people calls him asinine champion.


Every morning, little Bear and little fat pig rise early together exercise ran, short-haired pelt ass and floret cat are together idle away in seeking pleasure, everywhere the gold of play the peacock.


Games began, match project rich and colorful, be turn for ran match eventually, little fat pig and Little Bear are preparing seriously, judgment make fall, they ran rapidly, short-haired pelt ass is only incompact not slow, a bit is not anxious also. Bunny gentleman asks: Ass of “ short-haired pelt, how do you return discomfort to run? ”Short-haired pelt ass says cock-a-hoop: “ lets them run first half, I also can overtake them. ” bunny gentleman is riding autocycle to be opposite little fat pig people say: “ small ass has not begun to run, your tantivy. Ass of ” short-haired pelt sees them run almost, cry greatly: I come to “ ! ” small ass is running, exceeded Little Bear and little fat pig. At this moment, a football flew, short-haired pelt ass uses a foot to be kicked, football kick back field. Floret cat agitato cries: “ ass champion, you are true cruel, I will to you draw a look. When ass of ” short-haired pelt is preparing to place model, the gold before discovering a bosom however disappeared. He bends over to search everywhere on the ground, turn urgently really circle. At this moment, little Bear and little fat pig had exceeded short-haired pelt ass. When short-haired pelt furnace walks out of a forest, little Bear and little fat pig had arrived terminal. Small ass not only lose the gold last year, also lose the gold of this match.

运动会开始了,比赛项目丰富多彩,终于轮到跑步比赛,小胖猪和小熊认真准备着,裁判一声令下,他们赶紧跑了起来,只有小毛驴不紧不慢的,一点儿也不着急。兔子先生问:“小毛驴,你怎么还不快跑?” 小毛驴得意洋洋地说:“先让他们跑一半,我也能追上他们。”兔子先生骑着摩托车对小胖猪们说:“小驴还没开始跑呢,你们快跑。”小毛驴看他们跑得差不多了,大喊道:“我来啦!”小驴跑着跑着,超过了小熊和小胖猪。这时,一个足球飞了过来,小毛驴用脚一踢,把足球踢回了球场。小花猫兴奋地喊道:“驴冠军,你真酷,我来给你画个相。”小毛驴正准备摆造型时,却发现胸前的金牌不见了。他趴在地上到处找,急得真转圈。这时,小熊和小胖猪已经超过小毛驴。当小毛炉走出森林时,小熊和小胖猪已经到了终点。小驴不但弄丢去年的金牌,也失去这次比赛的金牌。

Small ass goes crestfallenly terminal, in the heart particularly sad, face the puppy in the forest people, he is very shy, after he is determined again not proud also.
