

Want once upon a time, is bird in?


bird is in the poem. “ smells the spring in the air with straight jumpy draw of caw bird ” everywhere, “ hate fastens ” of bird Jing heart to hide very grave country is hated; “ Qing Diao sees ” communicate faithful for explore affably not the love of change, the painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style in “ the Qin Dynasty already express of Ying Lan ” is drunk lie of battlefield nostalgic. Depict of ” of caw of just of warbler of “ comfortable charming is footloose fast comfortable. bird still is in the story. “ magpie bridge encounters the pursuit that ” is pair of faithful love, ” of “ lark Chao Feng is the longing of pair of Ming Jun times of peace and prosperity, “ knot grass holds annulus ” is pair of never forget where one's happiness comes from to praise. bird is in the mental home of the Chinese nation. The swan goose below the setting sun is hard the affection of the bridle brigade of divert oneself from loneliness or boredom, the swallow below eave is the changes of affairs of human life of have no alternative; The cuckoo of caw blood has the small sadness of compatriots, the essence of life that writes the sea defends the great moral courage that has China.

鸟儿在诗里。“处处闻啼鸟”直绘跳动的春意,“恨别鸟惊心”暗藏深重的国恨;“青鸟殷勤为探看”传达坚贞不渝的爱意,“秦中花鸟已应阑”抒发醉卧沙场的乡愁。“自在娇莺恰恰啼”描写自由自在的快适。鸟儿还在故事里。“鹊桥相会”是对坚贞爱情的追求,“百鸟朝凤”是对明君治世的渴望,“结草衔环”是对饮水思源的赞美。鸟儿在中华民族的精神家园里。夕阳下的鸿雁是难以排遣的羁旅之情,屋檐下的燕子是无可奈何的世事变迁;啼血的杜鹃有国人的小悲伤,填海的精卫有中华的大气节。作文网 zUOwEnBa.Net

But nowadays, is bird in?


bird falls in human protection. Approval of the State Council established “ to love bird week ” 1981, the consciousness that loves a bird to protect a bird gradually thorough popular feeling. Protective bird benefit protects ecological balance at dimension. Although government and society just had made indefatigable effort each, but some people did not stop those who be in this not to put in a road 's charge to go up to advance. Before human method, petite bird is human adversary far from. Annual, the whole world has the 10 thousand birds of on 100 million to be arrested kill, the accrual backside in high specified number is the trace with more and more infrequent in nature bird, it is bird in more and more amount on endangered animal directory. Can eradicate avianly, be a kind of the people not just disappear from the scene, it is the menace of pair of human oneself destinies more. If we still look on indifferently, apathetic, the mankind eventually will from solid its fruit.


Still bird lives below muzzle, in decoy! Fowling person is running shotgun wait for one's chance and move, be full of in the eye greedy and evil; Net of fowling of stagger of the freely in field formed full marks / the block net of a path rigor. Pitiful bird is originally between crisscross footpaths between fields, forest hover, in the decoy that once fall into the mankind,can prepare ” meticulously for its “ , became butcher's knife and chopping block the cruelly oppress below, make the one part of a lot of injustice of human too numerous to record.


bird is destroyed at benefit. Be what makes people painful to bird issue killer after all? The appearance with handsome bird lets them make the favorite in basket, the flesh with fresh and tender bird lets them make food character dish the frequenter that go up, the rich and generous profit in avian market more the people scramble for sth that yields be blinded by gain. If people cannot seek profit on avian body, won't so many people was fond of the business related to the bird. Resident people the sky with body appearance drab deck, the singing with bird is cheerful human seeing and hearing, extremely?


That future, is bird in?


We regard the exclusive wisdom on this heavenly body as biology, commiserative affection is our peculiar affection. We can deliver sympathetic view to the beggar of street edge, why cannot be opposite lovely is the bird that has pity on again caressed many times? Nature is not take not exhaust, avian what also be not the appurtenant, spirit that is the mankind namely natively to grow is vassal. Be in mandatory while the method is carried out, we arouse love bird should morely to protect the self-conscious consciousness of the bird. To avian protection, build in to “ bird ” the sufficient understanding of this one species is mixed over the resonance of miserable to bird destiny. We are only true bird of be considerate press close to, ability lends this directive practice, from go up at all love bird protects a bird.


The bird will live in the mankind caress below. Hill enrages the day of day night beautiful, flyer get along with is returned family; Oppidan spring the early morning after Mian, hear caw bird everywhere; The Chu Xia that summer heat diffuses, bird Qiao Huqing, invade dawn to peep brim language; Few points early warbler is contending for warm tree, domestic home Xin Yan is pecking Chun Ni. Without fear, did not kill.
