

On June 23, 2020, last satellite that north fights blasts off successfully. The north that forms by 55 satellites fights satellitic navigation system to finish deploy of global group net. In these 55 satellites, each have his use, each have the place of extraordinary, they weave ” of net of day of a piece of “ jointly, service whole world. In the life, like always some of person resembles these satellites, existing a few extraordinary are idiosyncratic. Friend, do you stand to go alone especially to these, does the person of extraordinary also have ill feeling of a kind of natural be disgusted with, repellent feeling? If have, so ask you many a little bit to include, many bits of esteem to individual character diversity.


Be good at respecting the diversity of individual character, it is the requirement of objective reality. “ content has edge and show an ability, the person individualizes and show special. ” is in the life, we often send the person of existing ability to often individualize; Advantage sockdolager often weakness is more apparent also. The diversity of individual character is objective existence, form by the different element such as zone environment, culture, gene. In those days Mr Cai Yuanpei chairs the Beijing University below, gathered the person with a distinct personality, wait like Gu Hongming, Liu Shipei, Huang Kan, Chen Duxiu, not stick to one pattern, each have distinguishing feature, formed compatible the scene of Beijing University learning that includes. Be good at respecting the diversity of individual character, arrive greatly a country, small to a family, it is the requirement of objective reality.来自作文吧 zUOwENbA.net


Be good at respecting the diversity of individual character, need us in order to be the same as the treatment of manage heart fairness other. “ servantchooses a person for a job with fair, virtuous ability. ” is right the person of distinct personality, we cannot love evil ” of ” or “ because of “ , enclothe manner and mood finally everything related to the object. People is right the view of the thing, hard to avoid suffers the influence composition of affection element, if be not added,discriminate, do not divide a circumstance, allow to be pettied official by evil the others of “ ” loving me, “ the psychology of ” type is decided situation is dizzy catch, bring about “ extremely easily one handsome block 100 ugly ” , “ one ugly block the one-sided tendency of 100 beautiful ” , affect substaintial to person or thing acknowledge. The story of ” of horse of “ Baile photograph, the person is all hep. Bai Le is provided alone a mind which perceives both past and future, the eye that has the servant that know a person and fairness promote the talent's heart, it is person place commend so. Respect the diversity of individual character, in order to be the same as the treatment of manage heart fairness other, as time passes, we can “ kisses virtuous official, far Lilliputian ” , “ a person of virtue finishs beside to. ”


Be good at respecting the diversity of individual character, need our true processing personality and collective relationship. Marx once pointed out: “ is collectivistic won't cover individual value, can build more capacious arena for personal growth. A water puts ” into the Cai Yongyuan in the sea to won't dry up only. Collective is the fertile soil of personal growth, collective interest also is individual interest rely on. Respect the diversity of individual character, need balances the relation of good collective and individual: Want to consider the demand of personal growth on one hand, also want to consider collective benefit on one hand. Coordinate when individual value, collective interest only consistent, homocentric with to, when facing hard pinch, our ability unite in a concerted effort, force gives one aperture, beaten twist to become a highway, of implementation collective and individual double win.


Be good at respecting the diversity of individual character, we just can obtain the greatest common divisor in a collective. Look so that must jump over much, experience much, we can be accumulated morer, comprehend morer, reach state of individual character of the Zhang Xian in general character, implementation general character and individual character are ceaseless promotion, ceaseless the target that opens develop, ceaseless maturity, in wait for a person to play the respect realizes “ finally from heart institute desire and do not even more quadrature ” .
