

I am a loneliness, do not feel doleful again, free, and the wild goose that is not manacled.


I hover in the sky, break through cloud layer, look at the building below my foot commandingly. I see that is green green forest, green flourish, green pure and fresh, so green that let a person feel Shu Shuang. I see that one tall one small building, thickly dotted, in my eye, those people that walk on the street, became small ant to walk commonly. I still see that high hill, that real visual sense is pounded, as if I can bump not carefully on hill, shape of the Tuo in the eye coming back, there is a two starlet to be piquant on my head on the head run to run. I still see the sea of that azure blue, ah! It lets me cannot help remembering the poem of a Zhang Jiuling: A year grand all today, shui Baihe knows reason late tide. The sea ah the sea, why you such azure blue, the wave that great waves of your that composition rises and fall, resemble performance side drum, the conch on the beach, by seawater rinse, less drip falls on conch, appear extremely gorgeous. The mew that flies on the sea, this picture is everybody cannot bear heart broken, the picture scroll as beauty is general.

我翱翔在天空,冲破云层,居高临下地看着我脚下的建筑物。我看到那绿绿的森林,绿得茂盛,绿得清新,绿得让人感到舒爽。我看到那一高一低的建筑物,密密麻麻的,在我眼里,那些在街上行走的人们,变成了小小的蚂蚁一般的行走。我还看到那高高的山,那真实的视觉冲击,仿佛我会一不小心撞在山上,眼里陀旋状,头上有着一颗两颗的小星星调皮的在我头上跑来跑去。我还看到那湛蓝的大海,啊!它让我忍不住想起一首张九龄的诗:一年壮观尽今朝, 水伯何知故晚潮。 大海啊大海,为什么你如此的湛蓝,你那作文波涛起伏的波浪,像演奏的小鼓,沙滩上的贝壳,被海水一次次的冲洗,少些水珠落在贝壳上,显得无比艳丽。大海上飞翔的海鸥,这幅画面是谁都不忍心打破的,如同美丽的画卷一般。

I and companions hover together when northward autumn grass is yellow, fly southward, I and companions hand in hand, turn herringbone into rank, from time to time give out “ Yi, yi breathes out the sound of ” , the departure of be reluctant to part.


Spring comes, I and my companions return again, in water edge or marsh, I and companions are collected together feed a few avirulent weed, grazing, corn and snail, shrimp to wait.


The flight rate of our wild goose is very rapid, can fly hourly 90 kilometers of 70 ~ oh! As me of wild goose, very proud, very proud, because, I am wild goose!
