

“ book is a flight of stairs that the mankind progresses. ” is really such, I like to read as a child, it gets me into intellectual ocean, accompany me to go the height of ascend knowledge.


On I fell in love with a book when nursery school, take fondle admiringly. Read the book in the home, I often call mom to take me to go again bookshop. Sometimes mom did not accompany me for nothing, send a bookshop me, let my person wait for in that, mom often says: “ throws you in the bookshop most was at ease. ”

上幼儿园时我就爱上了书,一拿起来就爱不释手。看完家里的书,我又常常叫妈妈带我去书店。有时妈妈没空陪我,就把我送到书店,让我一个人待在那,妈妈常说:“把你扔在书店最放心了。”来源 wwW.ZUowEnbA.nET

Went up after elementary school, I learned phonetics, knew a lot of words gradually, then I begin to read the storybook of phonetic notation edition. This can compare pure drawing book much more interesting, story content is read understand, one composition reads figure figure to know, and in the process that reading, still can know new word ceaselessly, new term, let me accumulate more vocabularies. Undesigned I saw Shen Shixi write " last battle are resembled " one book, this looked to resembling demon like. I picked the book that Shen Shixi writes to the bookshop later, the inner world of his work development animal, mirror the disposition destiny of animal leading role, be accepted good read, be able to bear or endure read, the book of exciting, so far, I had seen ten, they bring very big shock to me, also brought to me of a lot of think.


Book, let me know truth; Book, make me advisable; Book, let me look higher; Book, let me go further!
